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Understand Your Body Mass Index

Body mass index, or BMI, is important to understanding the health consequences your weight has on your body. Researchers have found that BMI can be directly related to a person's risk for many diseases. Because increased weight and obesity have such a profound effect on health, making it the leading cause in preventing many diseases, knowing your BMI is as important as understanding your cholesterol and blood pressure.

You can easily calculate your BMI using your weight and height with the following equation:

  • Multiply your weight x 704
  • Square your height (in inches)
  • Divide your weight from step 1 by your height in step 2 to determine your BMI

As an example, a woman weighing 155 pounds who is 5 feet 4 inches tall would calculate her BMI as follows:

  • 155 x 704 = 109120
  • 64 inches2 = 4096
  • 109120/ 4096 = a BMI of 26.6

According to the World Health Organization, there are three categories of obesity:

  • BMI of 25 - 29.9: grade 1 obesity (moderate overweight)
  • BMI of 30 - 39.9: grade 2 obesity (severe overweight)
  • BMI of >40: grade 3 obesity (massive/morbid obesity)

A BMI of 27 or higher is associated with increased morbidity and mortality; this is generally considered the point at which some form of treatment for obesity is required. A BMI between 25 and 27 is considered a warning sign and may warrant intervention, especially in the presence of additional risk factors such as diabetes or cardiovascular conditions.

To calculate your target BMI, use the following formula:

  • Desired BMI x height squared/704 = goal weight